Powerful Warriors Who Guarded Their Territory Alone
Hello, this is Dev. Kris again. Are you enjoying the 8th Territory? Today I will discuss the last of the remake, regarding Spike and Jave.
Spike has freezing abilities befitting his nickname, and was able to lead a stable battle without having to worry about status debuffs. Until now, the freeze debuff did nothing but to lock down enemies, and we did not feel that this was attractive enough and will be working on additional effects. His passive skill is also being considered for dividing among all members of the ally team.
Jave, with his two AoE skills, has the highest total damage, and his Reflect passive inflicts great damage to the dealer even if Jave does not manage to survive the attack. His Furious Strike has a side effect of decreasing targets’ defense, but we wish to change his current abilities so that he deals more damage because wanted him to play a more critical role on his own rather than acting as a support
We have informed you about our Seven Knights remake over three posts. The concepts may yet be changed, and we will try and get ready for the update as soon as possible. Please wait for more of our news.