Place attachment, the emotional, functional,
and cognitive bond that an individual has with a specifi c
setting may play a role in an individual’s choice to
engage in environmentally-responsible behavior. This
is particularly true for behaviors which directly benefi t
the place that the individual has a positive attachment
with. This study examines the relationship between
place attachment and pro-environment behavioral
intentions. Utilizing Likert-type scales to measure these
phenomena, this study found place attachment to be
a strong and positive predictor of place-specifi c proenvironmental
intentions. Additionally, place attachment
positively predicted individuals’ planned engagement
in environmentally-responsible behaviors associated
with their daily routines (e.g., recycling or investing
in green companies). A causal relationship between
place attachment and place-specifi c and general proenvironmental
behaviors cannot be confi rmed because of
the cross-sectional nature of this study. Further research
using longitudinal and experimental research designs are
called for.