This IS an instance that contains only some of the cnbcal
attnbutes of tbe concept of pabent parbcijjabon
Borderline case of tbe concept of pabent parbcipabon
John has been admitted to the ward for surgery tbe next day His
named nurse spent time explaimng all tbe pre-operative preparation
that he would require In particular she emphasized the
need for a share of the operation site The nurse told John tbat
she would have to perform tbe shave as any slight abrasion could
colonise bacteria and consequently mcrease the nsk of a wound
infection developing Furthermore, sbe explained that it was customary
for a nurse to sbave a patient as only tbe nurse knows tbe
surgeon's preferences with regard to preoperative shaving Jobn
expressed reservations about this, saymg he was a very shy person
and would prefer to sbave himself Tbe nurse declined his request
and performed the sbave