Additional Tests: Do Greater Returns Come with Higher Risk?
Higher returns for firms with higher scores (either VSCORE or GSCORE) may
potentially come with high risks. In other words, high score portfolio may generate high
returns just because of a vast majority of high-risk stocks in the portfolio, and the lower
returns in the low score portfolio may solely result from a large numbers of low-risk stocks.
If so, historical accounting information may not be as useful as we would hope because
investors can obtain high returns merely from choosing stocks with high risks. Thus, in this
section, we further examine the relationship between portfolio returns formed based on the
composite scores and their associated ex-post risks.
This paper employs 3 indicators as a risk proxy: beta, return volatility, and debt-toequity
ratio. These three risk proxies for each portfolio formed based on VSCORE
(GSCORE) are reported in the last three columns in tables 3, 5 and 7 (4, 6 and 8) for all
sample firms, high BM firms and low BM firms, respectively. We compare all three risk
proxies between high and low score groups and find that almost all cases, risk proxies for
high score group are significantly lower than those for low score firms. In other words, high
score groups are not riskier than low score groups. In summary, portfolios with higher
VSCORE and GSCORE earn higher future returns than do portfolios with lower VSCORE
and GSCORE, without additional risk.
Additional Tests: Do Greater Returns Come with Higher Risk?Higher returns for firms with higher scores (either VSCORE or GSCORE) maypotentially come with high risks. In other words, high score portfolio may generate highreturns just because of a vast majority of high-risk stocks in the portfolio, and the lowerreturns in the low score portfolio may solely result from a large numbers of low-risk stocks.If so, historical accounting information may not be as useful as we would hope becauseinvestors can obtain high returns merely from choosing stocks with high risks. Thus, in thissection, we further examine the relationship between portfolio returns formed based on thecomposite scores and their associated ex-post risks.This paper employs 3 indicators as a risk proxy: beta, return volatility, and debt-toequityratio. These three risk proxies for each portfolio formed based on VSCORE(GSCORE) are reported in the last three columns in tables 3, 5 and 7 (4, 6 and 8) for allsample firms, high BM firms and low BM firms, respectively. We compare all three riskproxies between high and low score groups and find that almost all cases, risk proxies forhigh score group are significantly lower than those for low score firms. In other words, highscore groups are not riskier than low score groups. In summary, portfolios with higherVSCORE and GSCORE earn higher future returns than do portfolios with lower VSCOREand GSCORE, without additional risk.
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