Personal interviews were conducted with 10 participants. Bogden and Biklen
(2007) described semistructured interviews as affording an opportunity to follow up
responses with additional questions in order to explore more in depth responses. Having
the opportunity to delve deeper into situations and examples shared by participants
provided me with specific incidents and circumstances related to the interview questions.
Each interview took approximately 60 minutes to complete. After each interview
occurred, I transcribed the data in a word document on my computer. Each participant’s
recording was listened to numerous times in order to record accurate responses and
comments. Transcripts were designated a letter so as to maintain the privacy of the
participant; for example PA, PB, and PC. The data were examined line-by-line, as
recommended by Coleman and Briggs (2003) in a search for emerging themes and
patterns. As I reviewed the transcripts, themes and patterns were identified and
highlighted. Similarities were coded and transformed onto a matrix. Data transformation
involved establishing codes and themes, then recording their frequency as they appeared
throughout the transcribed data (Creswell, 2009).