Statistical analysis
The primary outcome measure was pain intensity
(pain NRS 0–10). Sample size calculation was performed
a priori considering a 2.0 point difference for
the intensity outcome and an estimated SD of 2.5
points29; 80% statistical power, α=5% and a possible
sample loss of 15% were considered. Thus, 30
patients were needed per group (60 in total).
Using descriptive statistics, the data on variables
were presented as mean and SD. The values of pain
intensity (NRS), time in seconds for the patient to
walk 6 m (TUG), PPT and muscle strength (MVIC)
observed after the treatment were compared between
the groups using a two-way factorial mixed ANOVA
with repeated measures considering the time (preand
post-treatment) as a within-subject effect and the
group (MA and EA) as a between-subject effect. The
effect of each treatment was verified by differences in
the within-subject comparison (based on the differences
between the pre- and post-treatment means)
within each group. Data normality was verified using