2.2. Electrocoagulation system and procedure
The electrocoagulation process was performed in a Perspex
batch-stirred reactor, under controlled temperature (20 C) and
atmospheric pressure, during 180 min. In each experiment, the
reactor was filled with 1000 mL of the model solution or real effluent.
The flat anode and cathode were placed parallel at a specific
distance (5–20 mm) and linked to a DC Power Supply HY3010
Kaise (I = 0.4–1.7 A) [25,26]. Zn (Filzinc company, Oiã – Portugal)
and stainless steel (SS) electrodes were used with an effective initial
area of 33.5 cm2
. Samples were periodically withdrawn and
immediately centrifuged at 3500 rpm (Nahita 2655) for further
analysis. The conductivity of the electrolyte was measured using
a Consort C863 measurer. 1.5 g/L of NaCl or Na2SO4 salts were
added to the system in order to promote higher conductivity to
the solution. When the real effluent was tested, some experiments
were also executed without salt addition. The initial pH of the
medium was varied between 3 and 9, using NaOH at 3 M or
H2SO4 at 2 M whenever necessary. This parameter was followed
(HANNA pH meter) but not adjusted during the treatment time.
2.2. Electrocoagulation system and procedureThe electrocoagulation process was performed in a Perspexbatch-stirred reactor, under controlled temperature (20 C) andatmospheric pressure, during 180 min. In each experiment, thereactor was filled with 1000 mL of the model solution or real effluent.The flat anode and cathode were placed parallel at a specificdistance (5–20 mm) and linked to a DC Power Supply HY3010Kaise (I = 0.4–1.7 A) [25,26]. Zn (Filzinc company, Oiã – Portugal)and stainless steel (SS) electrodes were used with an effective initialarea of 33.5 cm2. Samples were periodically withdrawn andimmediately centrifuged at 3500 rpm (Nahita 2655) for furtheranalysis. The conductivity of the electrolyte was measured usinga Consort C863 measurer. 1.5 g/L of NaCl or Na2SO4 salts wereadded to the system in order to promote higher conductivity tothe solution. When the real effluent was tested, some experimentswere also executed without salt addition. The initial pH of themedium was varied between 3 and 9, using NaOH at 3 M orH2SO4 at 2 M whenever necessary. This parameter was followed(HANNA pH meter) but not adjusted during the treatment time.
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