An abstract is a condensed version of your article, a distillation of the most important information. Several common problems plague even published abstracts. Be sure to avoid the following.
Don't just introduce your topic; that's what your introduction is for.
Don't have an abstract that reads like a plan. It shouldn't include statements like"we hope to prove" or"this article tries to analyze'' or"this study seeks to." These are okay in grant proposals or conference paper proposals but not in a research article. An article abstract is a report on what you did do, not what you hope to do.
Don't give a barrage of data without an argument or a conclusion, an abstract should tell(or at least hint at a story.
Don't include footnotes or citations(some journals allow exceptions, but this is the general rule)
Don't include quotations; paraphrase instead.
Don't include abbreviations, symbols, or acronyms, instead spell out all terms(some journals allow exceptions, but this is the general rule)