The NP as an effective leader clearly communicates what needs to be accomplished in the job and focus on what needs to be done, not on how [23] . Communication with employees should be open and honest. The NP leader should be respectful and professional, and listen intently to employees [21] . Standards of performance should be communicated clearly along with consequences for good and bad outcomes. Employee meeting times should be planned and positive and constructive feedback given [23] . The NP should map out any conflicts to define the issues needed to solve the problem and develop options for solutions with employees [21] . A bottom line needs to be identified and communicated to employees with a decision on what is negotiable and non-negotiable. By acknowledging employees’ thoughts and feelings, being cooperative and direct, conflict resolution will be easier [21] . By the NP leader demonstrating a commitment to this type of process, the team members will feel support and a foundation of trust will be initiated [23] .