Diversity indices
The stations showed obvious variation in respect of the diversity indices (Table 5). The Margalef’s species richness index showed that EL-Shajara was the richest station (8.90), which indicating that it was the most diverse location in respect of crustacean species. This characteristic was supported by the Shannon’s diversity index (H’= 0.86); while the least diverse station was Regata (4.21). The Shannon’s diversity index were between 0.86 (EL-Shajara) and 0.57 (Tripoli). The highest value of Heip’s evenness index was in Regata (0.36) while the lowest value was recorded in Sabratha (0.15). According to Simpson’s dominance index, there was obvious dominance of some species in Sabratha (0.43), but less obviousness recorded in Regata (0.21).