Human Resource ManagementBADM 537
FEDEX Problem Identification
FEDEX has proven to perform well under most circumstances, they have been able toadapt to changing markets in order to remain successful. There are a couple of problemswithin the industry that need to be addressed; the fact that there are several subsidiarycompanies with FEDEX opens potential for individual poor performance to affect theorganization as a whole. FEDEX Kinkos has posted losses for the past several years, but there is a move to open more stores. Additionally as there are more advances in digitaltechnology it will become more difficult to find consumers that need hard-copy documents;this could pose a problem for the entire corporation as that is the foundation of theirorganization. This could be a major factor in how FEDEX operates their day-to-dayoperations. There has already been a shift in delivering documents digitally and the trendshould only continue to increase. Because FEDEX operates on a global scale they aredependent on international political and economic factors. As there are several developingpolitical conflicts, and the global economy has still not stabilized there is potential forFEDEX to be negatively affected.FEDEX offers many different services, which gives them great flexibility; however, theyneed to be concerned with some of the problems listed above. All of the issues discussedabove have the potential to negatively affect the organization as well as their subsidiaries.