I did not sleep much last night, my dog kept coming in an waking me up as he did not know where he is. My friend tony who helps me transfer the money to you because he has western union bank account came here and we watched the football of Manchester Unted v Manchester City. My favourite team Man U lost 2-1. After I went to bed but can only think of you. YOU are driving me crazy, you are all I think of every day.
Today I will go to my other house and clean it so that I can get it ready to sell. Onc I sell it I can pay my children's mother half and I can then pay my mortgage off with my half. I try very hard to be fair with money to my children's mother and even though we do not talk l must show her respect and honesty as we have had a relationship for a very long time and have raised 3 very beautiful children. My children's mother is from South Korea so my children are also half Asian. I do love Asia
Of all the countries I believe Thai ladies have the most beautiful spirit and that is why I joined this web site. As I said before when I saw you I fell for you straight away and you are the first person I have made contact with even though there are many girls on this site, I only see YOU nichaaon