From the dropdown menu, choose New Model.
In the New Weighted Overlay Model widget, scroll the list of services. Click Select on the service you want to use for your weighted overlay analysis.
Scroll down the list of layers. Check on the layers you want to include in your analysis. You can choose up to 15 layers.
Click Design Model.
Assign each layer a relative importance in the analysis by typing in a percentage into the % text box. The total percentage must equal 100 before you can execute the analysis.
Optionally, expand each layer and adjust its class weights. Class weights are values within the layer that are mapped to a suitability scale. For example, Distance to Water has a class weight of 0-1609 and is mapped to suitability value 9. This means that any values of 0-1609 within the Distance to Water layer will be treated as 9 (high) in the analysis. How you interpret this depends upon your criteria. For example, if you are trying to identify areas at risk for flooding, a value of 9 signifies that an area is highly likely to flood. However, if you are trying to site a new housing development, a value of 9 could signify highly suitable.
Click Save.
In the Save Model dialog, type in a name for your model. Click Save. The Save Model dialog closes. The model is processed in ArcGIS Online and is returned as an image layer to the application.
Weighted overlay models provide a powerful way to visualize and analyze site suitability factors. Based on the shading in your model, you can identify areas of opportunity and risk, and you can use this information for real–time feed back in GeoPlanner dashboard charts. These charts show how your design or other feature layers overlay with assessment layers. This view can help you understand the suitability or risk in your designs and plans.