Min Ho was getting plates and utensils ready in the kitchen when the doorbell rang. When he opened the door, Geun Suk was smiling as he showed two bags full of alcohol. Min Ho’s mouth dropped slightly. ‘Why did you buy so much?’ He stepped aside to let Geun Suk in.
‘It’s better to have more than less,’ he replied as he came inside. He headed directly to the kitchen and put the bags on the table. Min Ho followed him. So he’s been here before.
‘Uhm. I’ve been here before,’ Geun Suk said tentatively when he turned to Min Ho, as if reading his mind. ‘But just once. Shin Hye’s birthday last year. She had some friends over,’
‘Ahh, kure?’ Min Ho opened one of the plastic bags and took out the alcohol. Geun Suk did the same to the other plastic bag, the awkward silence filled by the sounds of bottles and cans being laid out on the table.
Min Ho was about to say something when Geun Suk beat him to it.
‘The guy at the convenience store recognized me and he was shocked at how much booze I bought,’ he recounted. ‘I could feel him judging me while he rang all these up. So I told him that I was going to drink with Lee Min Ho. He looked at me like I was lying,’ he shook his head. ‘That jashik. He’s probably not even twenty-three years old yet.’
Min Ho chuckled. ‘I should have come with you and we could be judged together.’
Geun Suk stopped what he was doing and looked at Min Ho. ‘Do you want to go back and just show yourself so he would believe me?’
Min Ho blinked twice, waiting for the punch line. When it didn’t come, he figured Geun Suk was serious. ‘Uhm…’
‘It will be funny,’ Geun Suk prodded. ‘You and me? It will definitely be funny.’
‘Is it far?’ Min Ho couldn’t believe he was actually considering it. It could be funny.
‘It’s just two blocks from here,’ Geun Suk’s tone was more excited now. ‘Should we do it?’
Min Ho broke into a sly grin, but it disappeared slowly. ‘Keunde… Shin Hye.’
Geun Suk looked around as if just realizing that Shin Hye was nowhere to be seen. ‘Ah, right. Where is she anyway?’
‘In her room.’
Geun Suk casually walked to her door and knocked. ‘Shin Hye, Min Ho and I have to go somewhere for a bit. We’ll be back in fifteen minutes, okay?’ He walked back to the kitchen and turned to Min Ho. ‘Let’s go.’
Min Ho let out a laugh and followed Geun Suk as he walked to the door. He passed by Shin Hye’s room and knocked. ‘We’ll be right back!’ Shin Hye didn’t respond and he suspected that she was in the bathroom. ‘MIANHE!’
He and Geun Suk hid in their caps and scarves as they walked to the convenience store. Geun Suk went straight to the alcohol area and got one more can of beer. Min Ho was snickering as he stood by the entrance. There was only one other customer there, a middle-aged lady who was busy checking out the vegetables. Min Ho looked on as Geun Suk took off his cap and lowered his scarf. He smiled sassily at the male cashier. ‘Annyeong! I had to come back because Lee Min Ho wanted more beer.’
The cashier smiled wryly as he rang up the beer. Jashik, Min Ho thought that the guy really must have assumed Geun Suk was making fun of him. At that moment, Min Ho took off his scarf and approached the counter.
‘Ya, Jang Geun Suk. Why are you buying just one? Jang Dong Gun sunbae is coming, you know. He said he’s bringing Won Bin hyung,’ he made sure his expression was serious. He poured in all he knew about acting right then and there.
‘Ah, chincha?’ Geun Suk leaned his elbows on the counter and pretended to massage his temples. ‘Ottoke? We’re probably going to run out of alcohol, since Jo In Sung hyung just called me to ask where we are.’
‘I told you you should have bought more,’ Min Ho walked to the alcohol aisle and got four bottles of soju. He put them on the counter and smiled at the cashier. The skinny guy was standing there like a statue, staring at him. ‘Jo In Sung really likes soju.’
The guy just gawked at the two stars in front of him before he punched the items. ’26,000 won,’ he said softly.
Min Ho looked at Geun Suk. ‘You pay.’
‘Ahh wae? Your drama did better than mine!’ Geun Suk complained.
‘I didn’t bring my wallet,’ Min Ho shrugged.
‘Tsss. You always do this,’ Geun Suk took out his wallet and gave the guy money. ‘Chogiyo… you look bored. Do you want to drink with us?’
‘Eh?! Ani-yo…’ the guy, looking panicked, shook his head and faced the cash register. He punched the wrong numbers at first, then cursed himself before punching the right amount.
‘Son Ye Jin noona might come,’ Geun Suk grinned. ‘Right, Min Ho-yah?’
Min Ho nodded his head. ‘She’ll probably come,’ he affirmed, biting his lip to stop himself from laughing.
‘Ani-yo, it’s okay,’ he handed Geun Suk his change. ‘Kamsamhamnida,’ the guy bowed awkwardly, hitting the plastic bag full of alcohol. ‘Ahh,’ he rubbed his forehead and stepped back, before bowing again.
‘Annyeong!’ Geun Suk waved. Min Ho took the plastic bag and followed Geun Suk out.
As soon as they stepped outside, they burst into hysterical laughter. Min Ho was clutching his stomach, leaning on a wall, while Geun Suk arched his back, looking up at the sky. They just laughed for a while, unable to speak.
‘Did you see his face?’ Geun Suk managed to ask in between fits. ‘He looked so pale.’
‘I can't believe you invited him,’ Min Ho was giggling so hard. ‘Son Ye Jin noona was a nice touch.’
‘Aigoo, aigoo,’ Geun Suk panted, wiping the corners of his eyes. ‘That was fun. I told you it was going to be funny.’
Min Ho was grinning from ear to ear. ‘Let’s go. Won Bin might be there already.’
Geun Suk chuckled one last time before following Min Ho.
As soon as Shin Hye opened the door, Min Ho gave her his most innocent smile, knowing that Geun Suk was doing the same. She scowled at them before letting them in.
‘Where did you guys go?’ Shin Hye asked as she closed the door. She looked at what Min Ho was holding and folded her arms. ‘There’s so much alcohol in the kitchen already. Did you buy some more? How much are you two planning to drink?’
Min Ho looked at Geun Suk as if urging him to speak on their behalf.
‘The kid at the convenience store thought I was lying when I said I was going to drink with Lee Min Ho,’ Geun Suk explained. ‘He was totally judging me just because I have a party guy image.’
‘But you are a party guy,’ Shin Hye snapped back.
‘But I’m not a liar. I felt wronged,’ Geun Suk defended himself.
Min Ho nodded his head. ‘That kid was arrogant, too,’ he chimed in.
‘So what did you do?’ Shin Hye asked. ‘You didn’t do anything weird, did you?’
The guys looked at each other. Min Ho shook his head while Geun Suk smiled mischievously, ‘we just... bought more alcohol.’
Shin Hye stood there as Min Ho and Geun Suk looked at her, trying to suppress laughter. ‘So high schoolers then,’ she muttered to herself.
‘What did you say?’ Min Ho asked.
‘Nothing,’ she replied as she walked to the kitchen. ‘I put the alcohol in the fridge. The food arrived while you were gone.’ She turned around and glared at the two men. ‘Thanks to you, the delivery man probably thinks that I’m going to eat all this food by myself. It was so embarrassing.’
‘You should have told him Ha Ji Won and Yoon Eun Hye were coming over,’ Geun Suk retorted.
Min Ho stifled a laugh and gave Geun Suk a fist bump.
‘Meo?’ Shin Hye creased her brows.
‘Nothing,’ Min Ho replied, walking toward her.
‘Charanda, charanda,’ Shin Hye nodded. ‘I knew it. You guys are a match made in heaven.’ She sighed and turned to arrange the food on the table.
‘Do you need help?’ Min Ho asked her, standing close.
Shin Hye frowned. ‘Just go hang out with your date. I’m fine.’
Min Ho smiled. ‘Are you jealous of me and Jang Geun Suk? I’m pretty sure I pictured this night the other way around,’ he whispered.
‘Aish,’ she lightly elbowed Min Ho’s arm. ‘Move.’
Min Ho looked over at the living room and saw Geun Suk sitting on the couch, with his back turned to them. He seemed to be typing on his phone.
Min Ho leaned in closer. ‘Don’t worry. You’re prettier than him,’ he whispered, making sure he was also blowing hot air on her ear.
‘Ya,’ Shin Hye squirmed. ‘We have a guest,’ she nodded to the living room and pushed him back, but he just inched his way closer to her. He glanced at Geun Suk again, who was still busy on his phone. He took that opportunity to put his arms around her waist.
‘I missed you,’ he planted a kiss on the skin between her neck and her shoulder. He felt Shin Hye shudder the first time, so he did it twice more.
‘What are you doing? He’s right there,’ Shin Hye struggled to free herself from Min Ho’s hug. ‘He can hear us.’
Min Ho pouted before he let go. As soon as everything seemed ready, Min Ho called Geun Suk over.
‘Geun Suk-ssi, let’s eat!’
‘Neh,’ Geun Suk stood up from the couch and approached the table. ‘Stop calling me that. We’re friends now. We even played a prank on someone,’ he beamed at Min Ho before sitting down.
‘You played a prank?’ Shin Hye looked at Geun Suk incredulously.
‘Well, it was more of a joke,’ Min Ho replied as he took the seat beside Shin Hye. ‘You should have been there, it was very funny.’
She sighed audibly. ‘Boys will be boys. Let’s eat,’ she picked up her chopsticks and smiled. ‘Jalmukketsumnida!’ She said eagerly before digging in. ‘Eat a lot, oppa,’ she smiled at Geun Suk.
‘I will,’ Geun Suk responded, his gaze fixed on Shin Hye as he smiled affectionately. Min Ho fidgeted a bit in his seat before clearing his throat.
Geun Suk glanced at Min Ho briefly before looking down, a little smirk playing on his mouth.
They were all starting to eat when Shin Hye stood up. ‘Oops, I forgot,’ she walked over to the fridge and looked at the contents.
‘Oppa, do you want beer?’
‘Yeah,’ Min Ho and Geun Suk spoke at the same t
Min Ho was getting plates and utensils ready in the kitchen when the doorbell rang. When he opened the door, Geun Suk was smiling as he showed two bags full of alcohol. Min Ho’s mouth dropped slightly. ‘Why did you buy so much?’ He stepped aside to let Geun Suk in.
‘It’s better to have more than less,’ he replied as he came inside. He headed directly to the kitchen and put the bags on the table. Min Ho followed him. So he’s been here before.
‘Uhm. I’ve been here before,’ Geun Suk said tentatively when he turned to Min Ho, as if reading his mind. ‘But just once. Shin Hye’s birthday last year. She had some friends over,’
‘Ahh, kure?’ Min Ho opened one of the plastic bags and took out the alcohol. Geun Suk did the same to the other plastic bag, the awkward silence filled by the sounds of bottles and cans being laid out on the table.
Min Ho was about to say something when Geun Suk beat him to it.
‘The guy at the convenience store recognized me and he was shocked at how much booze I bought,’ he recounted. ‘I could feel him judging me while he rang all these up. So I told him that I was going to drink with Lee Min Ho. He looked at me like I was lying,’ he shook his head. ‘That jashik. He’s probably not even twenty-three years old yet.’
Min Ho chuckled. ‘I should have come with you and we could be judged together.’
Geun Suk stopped what he was doing and looked at Min Ho. ‘Do you want to go back and just show yourself so he would believe me?’
Min Ho blinked twice, waiting for the punch line. When it didn’t come, he figured Geun Suk was serious. ‘Uhm…’
‘It will be funny,’ Geun Suk prodded. ‘You and me? It will definitely be funny.’
‘Is it far?’ Min Ho couldn’t believe he was actually considering it. It could be funny.
‘It’s just two blocks from here,’ Geun Suk’s tone was more excited now. ‘Should we do it?’
Min Ho broke into a sly grin, but it disappeared slowly. ‘Keunde… Shin Hye.’
Geun Suk looked around as if just realizing that Shin Hye was nowhere to be seen. ‘Ah, right. Where is she anyway?’
‘In her room.’
Geun Suk casually walked to her door and knocked. ‘Shin Hye, Min Ho and I have to go somewhere for a bit. We’ll be back in fifteen minutes, okay?’ He walked back to the kitchen and turned to Min Ho. ‘Let’s go.’
Min Ho let out a laugh and followed Geun Suk as he walked to the door. He passed by Shin Hye’s room and knocked. ‘We’ll be right back!’ Shin Hye didn’t respond and he suspected that she was in the bathroom. ‘MIANHE!’
He and Geun Suk hid in their caps and scarves as they walked to the convenience store. Geun Suk went straight to the alcohol area and got one more can of beer. Min Ho was snickering as he stood by the entrance. There was only one other customer there, a middle-aged lady who was busy checking out the vegetables. Min Ho looked on as Geun Suk took off his cap and lowered his scarf. He smiled sassily at the male cashier. ‘Annyeong! I had to come back because Lee Min Ho wanted more beer.’
The cashier smiled wryly as he rang up the beer. Jashik, Min Ho thought that the guy really must have assumed Geun Suk was making fun of him. At that moment, Min Ho took off his scarf and approached the counter.
‘Ya, Jang Geun Suk. Why are you buying just one? Jang Dong Gun sunbae is coming, you know. He said he’s bringing Won Bin hyung,’ he made sure his expression was serious. He poured in all he knew about acting right then and there.
‘Ah, chincha?’ Geun Suk leaned his elbows on the counter and pretended to massage his temples. ‘Ottoke? We’re probably going to run out of alcohol, since Jo In Sung hyung just called me to ask where we are.’
‘I told you you should have bought more,’ Min Ho walked to the alcohol aisle and got four bottles of soju. He put them on the counter and smiled at the cashier. The skinny guy was standing there like a statue, staring at him. ‘Jo In Sung really likes soju.’
The guy just gawked at the two stars in front of him before he punched the items. ’26,000 won,’ he said softly.
Min Ho looked at Geun Suk. ‘You pay.’
‘Ahh wae? Your drama did better than mine!’ Geun Suk complained.
‘I didn’t bring my wallet,’ Min Ho shrugged.
‘Tsss. You always do this,’ Geun Suk took out his wallet and gave the guy money. ‘Chogiyo… you look bored. Do you want to drink with us?’
‘Eh?! Ani-yo…’ the guy, looking panicked, shook his head and faced the cash register. He punched the wrong numbers at first, then cursed himself before punching the right amount.
‘Son Ye Jin noona might come,’ Geun Suk grinned. ‘Right, Min Ho-yah?’
Min Ho nodded his head. ‘She’ll probably come,’ he affirmed, biting his lip to stop himself from laughing.
‘Ani-yo, it’s okay,’ he handed Geun Suk his change. ‘Kamsamhamnida,’ the guy bowed awkwardly, hitting the plastic bag full of alcohol. ‘Ahh,’ he rubbed his forehead and stepped back, before bowing again.
‘Annyeong!’ Geun Suk waved. Min Ho took the plastic bag and followed Geun Suk out.
As soon as they stepped outside, they burst into hysterical laughter. Min Ho was clutching his stomach, leaning on a wall, while Geun Suk arched his back, looking up at the sky. They just laughed for a while, unable to speak.
‘Did you see his face?’ Geun Suk managed to ask in between fits. ‘He looked so pale.’
‘I can't believe you invited him,’ Min Ho was giggling so hard. ‘Son Ye Jin noona was a nice touch.’
‘Aigoo, aigoo,’ Geun Suk panted, wiping the corners of his eyes. ‘That was fun. I told you it was going to be funny.’
Min Ho was grinning from ear to ear. ‘Let’s go. Won Bin might be there already.’
Geun Suk chuckled one last time before following Min Ho.
As soon as Shin Hye opened the door, Min Ho gave her his most innocent smile, knowing that Geun Suk was doing the same. She scowled at them before letting them in.
‘Where did you guys go?’ Shin Hye asked as she closed the door. She looked at what Min Ho was holding and folded her arms. ‘There’s so much alcohol in the kitchen already. Did you buy some more? How much are you two planning to drink?’
Min Ho looked at Geun Suk as if urging him to speak on their behalf.
‘The kid at the convenience store thought I was lying when I said I was going to drink with Lee Min Ho,’ Geun Suk explained. ‘He was totally judging me just because I have a party guy image.’
‘But you are a party guy,’ Shin Hye snapped back.
‘But I’m not a liar. I felt wronged,’ Geun Suk defended himself.
Min Ho nodded his head. ‘That kid was arrogant, too,’ he chimed in.
‘So what did you do?’ Shin Hye asked. ‘You didn’t do anything weird, did you?’
The guys looked at each other. Min Ho shook his head while Geun Suk smiled mischievously, ‘we just... bought more alcohol.’
Shin Hye stood there as Min Ho and Geun Suk looked at her, trying to suppress laughter. ‘So high schoolers then,’ she muttered to herself.
‘What did you say?’ Min Ho asked.
‘Nothing,’ she replied as she walked to the kitchen. ‘I put the alcohol in the fridge. The food arrived while you were gone.’ She turned around and glared at the two men. ‘Thanks to you, the delivery man probably thinks that I’m going to eat all this food by myself. It was so embarrassing.’
‘You should have told him Ha Ji Won and Yoon Eun Hye were coming over,’ Geun Suk retorted.
Min Ho stifled a laugh and gave Geun Suk a fist bump.
‘Meo?’ Shin Hye creased her brows.
‘Nothing,’ Min Ho replied, walking toward her.
‘Charanda, charanda,’ Shin Hye nodded. ‘I knew it. You guys are a match made in heaven.’ She sighed and turned to arrange the food on the table.
‘Do you need help?’ Min Ho asked her, standing close.
Shin Hye frowned. ‘Just go hang out with your date. I’m fine.’
Min Ho smiled. ‘Are you jealous of me and Jang Geun Suk? I’m pretty sure I pictured this night the other way around,’ he whispered.
‘Aish,’ she lightly elbowed Min Ho’s arm. ‘Move.’
Min Ho looked over at the living room and saw Geun Suk sitting on the couch, with his back turned to them. He seemed to be typing on his phone.
Min Ho leaned in closer. ‘Don’t worry. You’re prettier than him,’ he whispered, making sure he was also blowing hot air on her ear.
‘Ya,’ Shin Hye squirmed. ‘We have a guest,’ she nodded to the living room and pushed him back, but he just inched his way closer to her. He glanced at Geun Suk again, who was still busy on his phone. He took that opportunity to put his arms around her waist.
‘I missed you,’ he planted a kiss on the skin between her neck and her shoulder. He felt Shin Hye shudder the first time, so he did it twice more.
‘What are you doing? He’s right there,’ Shin Hye struggled to free herself from Min Ho’s hug. ‘He can hear us.’
Min Ho pouted before he let go. As soon as everything seemed ready, Min Ho called Geun Suk over.
‘Geun Suk-ssi, let’s eat!’
‘Neh,’ Geun Suk stood up from the couch and approached the table. ‘Stop calling me that. We’re friends now. We even played a prank on someone,’ he beamed at Min Ho before sitting down.
‘You played a prank?’ Shin Hye looked at Geun Suk incredulously.
‘Well, it was more of a joke,’ Min Ho replied as he took the seat beside Shin Hye. ‘You should have been there, it was very funny.’
She sighed audibly. ‘Boys will be boys. Let’s eat,’ she picked up her chopsticks and smiled. ‘Jalmukketsumnida!’ She said eagerly before digging in. ‘Eat a lot, oppa,’ she smiled at Geun Suk.
‘I will,’ Geun Suk responded, his gaze fixed on Shin Hye as he smiled affectionately. Min Ho fidgeted a bit in his seat before clearing his throat.
Geun Suk glanced at Min Ho briefly before looking down, a little smirk playing on his mouth.
They were all starting to eat when Shin Hye stood up. ‘Oops, I forgot,’ she walked over to the fridge and looked at the contents.
‘Oppa, do you want beer?’
‘Yeah,’ Min Ho and Geun Suk spoke at the same t
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