Elder brother, cannot continue, this way, Xian Kun must learn the Earthen Taboo sea of fire to decide.” The Yan Ru intense urging said.
But at this moment, Yan Lei is also the brow tight wrinkle, over the face cold sweat, he has not thought really that the Xian Kun sharpness so will be strong, this simply is above the imagination.
Therefore, his hesitant, big sleeve has not wielded, then has gathered that reel.
The reel gathers, that all around thioindigo red is the twinkling does not see, all people stare, is similar to wakes up general from the dream, went to Yan Lei the vision.
They know that should be the time arrived, but regarding them, the time arrives seems a little quick, their anything has not felt obviously.
„, A double-hour crosses, looks to you such for a long time, believes that you should sense?” Yan Lei said with a smile.
„The Yan Lei brother, the Earthen Taboo sea of fire of your flame clan decides, really worthily is the best quality goods in Earthen Taboo Martial Technique, although I cannot perceive through meditation its concrete practice method, but I can actually feel its great strength.” Tian Liang said.
„Field brother World Spiritist, can feel these many worthily unexpectedly, to be honest I in this double-hour, anything have not felt, ashamed, ashamed.” Other people were sighing shaking the head.
They have not lain, although they in this double-hour, concentrate on, caused completely the method, but actually cannot piece together First Rank, complete practice method.
„Flame brother, gave to look at a double-hour, you may be somewhat mean-spirited.” At this moment, Xian Kun has opened the mouth, his complexion is not quite good, because is only poor, he mastered this Earthen Taboo sea of fire practice method definitely, was a pity that Yan Lei has not given him this opportunity, therefore he is not feeling well very much.
„The Xian Kun brother, a double-hour, is not short, after all one day is only 12 double-hour.” Yan Lei shows a faint smile, saw expression that Xian Kun this is not feeling well, he has felt relieved on the contrary, this explained that Xian Kun had not mastered the Earthen Taboo sea of fire practice method definitely.
„Xian Kun, you should fulfill pledge.” Yan Ru urged.
„Relax, I will not go back on word, takes away, a double-hour, hits opens inside Thing, turns over to you, cannot open, gives back to me.” Xian Kun, threw that conceal cane to Yan Ru.
Caught the conceal cane, Yan Ru and Yan Lei has looked at each other one, afterward two people smiled, to go to Tian Liang the vision together, said: „Tian Liang, helping us open it, doesn't have the issue?”
„The Yan Lei brother, Sister Ru Er, you felt relieved that this matter gives my Tian Liang, that was right.”
Tian Liang happily smiles, then from the Yan Ru hand, received the conceal cane, he at this moment is very happy, first did not say in front of Yan Ru, showed that his opportunity came.
If, he opened this conceal cane, then passes on is also a very good reputation, if known by his teacher, will highly praise in him.
However, will hide the cane regarding Yan Ru, gives Tian Liang's action, that Xian Kun actually snorts contemptuously, sneers, on the face does not have the slight worry.
Although Xian Kun was not worried, but people actually very much cared that almost all people closely are staring at Tian Liang, as well as the conceal cane in his hand, they want to take a look, how Tian Liang breaks this conceal cane.
„Tian Liang, what kind of? Has confidence?” Yan Ru anxious asking.
„Sister Yan Ru, you puts 100,000 hearts, this conceal cane, is so fierce without legend, but carves the insect small technique, deceives the layman to be good, deceives my Tian Liang, no way, looked simply I divide the minute then to break it.”
Tian Liang once again self-satisfied smiles, afterward also provocation looked at Xian Kun, said that „the Xian Kun brother, had to offend below.”
„You at will.” Xian Kun thinks otherwise, both hands surround in front, on the face are hanging the thick self-confidence.
„I may get rid.”
Tian Liang spoke, the thought moved, the strength of boundless golden Formation then released, under its adept stimulation of movement, then condensed Formation formation suddenly.
Tian Liang places the middle that conceal cane, afterward points at to a formation point, only listens to give a loud shout: „Opens!!!”
After, the earth moves, Formation formation is ray greatly Sheng, after the Formation formation ray removes, that conceal cane does not have the slight change, the mark silk has not moved unexpectedly.
„This” sees this, Tian Liang complexion mouth, is surprised, but also thinks that has made a mistake he, both hands change, makes the hand imprint once again, to that formation one figure, was shouting to clear the way once again: „Opens!”