After weaning (mean±SD) (28.1±6.19 day) sows were housed in individual pens,
where they spent a month after insemination. Then, sows were in group housing
(from 8 to 10 individuals) with a short covered outdoor range. A week before the predicted
end of gestation, sows were moved into farrowing pens. The following feed
mixtures were used: after weaning and until day 85 of gestation, and after day 85
of gestation and during lactation. During first and mid period of gestation the sows
were fed 2.3 kg feed/day and after 85 day 2.8 kg feed/day. During lactation sows had
free access to feed. Sows had continuous access to drinking water. Animals were fed
according to Polish Swine Nutrition Requirements (1993)