The study was designed to investigate the development of the teaching of questioning,
reflective practice for development of teaching competence and systematic inquiry
and reflection on the university lecturer's teaching and learning to implement change
for improvement in practice. This study employed an Action Research methodology.
The participants were student teachers of in the Faculty of Education, Burapha
University, Thailand. There were two cycles of the data collection in semester 2, 2002
and then with the same cohort of student teachers in semester 1, 2003. Each cycle was
the same but fewer student teachers were included in the second cycle to attempt to
develop deeper understanding. Data were gathered from leaming logs, lesson plans,
joumal, documents, self-evaluation, observation and group interview. Simple coding
and descriptive statistics are used to illustrate and substantiate interpretations. It offers
the ideas that the lecturer' teaching and leaming approaches assist the development of
student teachers' questioning skills. She explores student teachers' constmction of
knowledge and theories of practice and how these develop on questioning and
thinking skills. These constmction inform not only her student teachers' practice but
also her own. In addition, student teachers leam how to be an effective teacher.
The study was designed to investigate the development of the teaching of questioning,
reflective practice for development of teaching competence and systematic inquiry
and reflection on the university lecturer's teaching and learning to implement change
for improvement in practice. This study employed an Action Research methodology.
The participants were student teachers of in the Faculty of Education, Burapha
University, Thailand. There were two cycles of the data collection in semester 2, 2002
and then with the same cohort of student teachers in semester 1, 2003. Each cycle was
the same but fewer student teachers were included in the second cycle to attempt to
develop deeper understanding. Data were gathered from leaming logs, lesson plans,
joumal, documents, self-evaluation, observation and group interview. Simple coding
and descriptive statistics are used to illustrate and substantiate interpretations. It offers
the ideas that the lecturer' teaching and leaming approaches assist the development of
student teachers' questioning skills. She explores student teachers' constmction of
knowledge and theories of practice and how these develop on questioning and
thinking skills. These constmction inform not only her student teachers' practice but
also her own. In addition, student teachers leam how to be an effective teacher.
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