Water sources utilized should be free of significant pollution and within the pH range
7.5–8.5. This pH recommendation is based on the requirements of marine shrimp, as
little work has been undertaken on the effect of pH on mud crab growth and survival.
For pond farms, both a brackish to marine source of water and a separate freshwater
source are ideal to manage water salinity at the preferred level.
The daily requirements for a farm requiring pumped water need to be calculated,
and potential pump sites examined to ensure that sufficient quantities of water will be
available for the size of the farm being planned. Factors such as the availability of water
for pumping at different phases of the tide will need to be included in the calculations.
Similarly, the availability of freshwater resources, which vary throughout the year in
response to local rainfall patterns, should be examined. Freshwater for salinity control
is most likely to be required in the driest times of the year.