2.6. Tomato storage test
Tomatoes were obtained from a commercial greenhouse near Hunan Agricultural University. Fruit was harvested at mature-red stage and selected to have uniform color and size, without bruises or signs of infection.
Upon arrival at the laboratory, fruits were washed properly and dried in open air.
Fruits were then divided randomly into 3 groups (30 fruits in each group) and spayed with A .solani, BT4 or iprodione according to Table 2. After dried in open air, fruits were packaged and stored at room temperature for 15 or 30 days.
To prepare antagonistic bacterial suspensions, BT4 was inoculated in optimal medium with optimal conditions based on the results of tests described above to push BT4 to reach top form.
Then cultures were centrifuged at 4500 g/min for 10 min.