violent of punishing criminals and prisoners of war was not explicitly condemned in Buddhism, but peaceful ways of resolution and punishment with the least amount of injury were encouraged.The early texts condemn the mental states that lead to violent behavio Nonviolence is an overriding theme within the Pali canon. While the texts condemn killing in the strongest terms, and early portray the ideal k a pacifist, such a king is nonetheless flanked by an army. seems that the Buddha's teaching on or pacifistor antimilitaryservice way for defensive Buddhists. The early texts assume war to be a fact of life, and well-skilled warriors are viewed as necessary warfare. In pali texts, injunctions to abstain from violence and involvement with military affairs are directed at members of the sangha; later Mahayana texts, which often generalize monastic norms to laity, require this of lay people as well The early texts do not contain just-war ideology as such. Some argue that a sutta in the Gamani Samyuttam rules out all military service. In this passage, a soldier asks the Buddha if it is true that, as he has been told, soldiers slain in battle are reborn in a heavenly realm. The Buddha reluctantly replies that ifheis killed in battle while his mind is seized with the intention to kill, he will undergo an unpleasant rebirth. In the early texts, a person's mental state at the time of death is generally viewed as having a great impact on the next birth Venerable Maha Ghosananda, the Supreme Patriarch of Cambodia has urged Cambodia to put aside thei genocide of the Khmer Rouge and to unify to re-establish their nation. He has written "The suffering of Cambodia has been deep. From this suffering comes great compassion. Great compassion makes a peaceful heart. A peaceful heart makes a peaceful person. A peaceful person makes a peaceful family. A peaceful family makes a peaceful community. A peaceful community makes a peaceful na Apeaceful nation makes a peaceful world. His Holiness, the Dalai Lama has never suggested armed conflict to overcome the persecut on and cruelty perpetrated by the Communist Chinese occupation forces. He has always advocated a peaceful and non-violent solution. According to Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar, there is circumstantial evidence encouraging Ahimsa, from the Buddha's doctrine, "Love l, so that you may not wish to kill any." Gautama Buddha distinguished between a principle and a rule. He did not mak Ahimsa a matter of rule, but suggestedit as a matter of principle.This gives Buddhists freedom to act. other ethical questions are raised over very important issues such as abortion: capital punishment: homosexuality; euthanasia; vegetarianism and so on. However, talk on these subjects would take a long time. And we must not forget the Buddha's teaching of Anatta. This is to say that there is no real "Me" present in this body and, assuch, one can have no real control over anything that happens in the world outside To quote from Mary Robinson's lecture on Ethics,Human Rights and Globalisation. She said: "A code of Ethics is needed for every professio is the spiritual approach which is the unifying principle for n. must come are on which the Great world religions have been constructed. Science and Religion together again to enable a Global Spiritual Transformation. is a vast subject but Buddhist Ethics seem to be relevant in every way to guide us, to make wise choices, direction both individually and collectively on our psychol physical journey towards positive personal development, the elimination of the conditions and causes of suffering, the cultivation of wisdom and Compassion and transformation and freedom from suffering. so now we return to matters that we can do something about. We can work on our minds which are really the cause of all our suffering. And, as Buddhists, we know that means cleansing the mind of all r, greed and delusion. The opposite of delusion is wisdom. And in order to gain wisdom and to be able to see things as they really are-rather than being left to our own imaginings- we must accomplish this by the practice of meditation.
of punishing criminals and prisoners of war was not explicitly condemned in Buddhism, but peaceful ways of resolution and punishment with the least amount of injury were encouraged.The early texts condemn the mental states that lead to violent behavio Nonviolence is an overriding theme within the Pali canon. While the texts condemn killing in the strongest terms, and early portray the ideal k a pacifist, such a king is nonetheless flanked by an army. seems that the Buddha's teaching on or pacifistor antimilitaryservice way for defensive Buddhists. The early texts assume war to be a fact of life, and well-skilled warriors are viewed as necessary warfare. In pali texts, injunctions to abstain from violence and involvement with military affairs are directed at members of the sangha; later Mahayana texts, which often generalize monastic norms to laity, require this of lay people as well The early texts do not contain just-war ideology as such. Some argue that a sutta in the Gamani Samyuttam rules out all military service. In this passage, a soldier asks the Buddha if it is true that, as he has been told, soldiers slain in battle are reborn in a heavenly realm. The Buddha reluctantly replies that ifheis killed in battle while his mind is seized with the intention to kill, he will undergo an unpleasant rebirth. In the early texts, a person's mental state at the time of death is generally viewed as having a great impact on the next birth Venerable Maha Ghosananda, the Supreme Patriarch of Cambodia has urged Cambodia to put aside thei genocide of the Khmer Rouge and to unify to re-establish their nation. He has written "The suffering of Cambodia has been deep. From this suffering comes great compassion. Great compassion makes a peaceful heart. A peaceful heart makes a peaceful person. A peaceful person makes a peaceful family. A peaceful family makes a peaceful community. A peaceful community makes a peaceful na Apeaceful nation makes a peaceful world. His Holiness, the Dalai Lama has never suggested armed conflict to overcome the persecut on and cruelty perpetrated by the Communist Chinese occupation forces. He has always advocated a peaceful and non-violent solution. According to Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar, there is circumstantial evidence encouraging Ahimsa, from the Buddha's doctrine, "Love l, so that you may not wish to kill any." Gautama Buddha distinguished between a principle and a rule. He did not mak Ahimsa a matter of rule, but suggestedit as a matter of principle.This gives Buddhists freedom to act. other ethical questions are raised over very important issues such as abortion: capital punishment: homosexuality; euthanasia; vegetarianism and so on. However, talk on these subjects would take a long time. And we must not forget the Buddha's teaching of Anatta. This is to say that there is no real "Me" present in this body and, assuch, one can have no real control over anything that happens in the world outside To quote from Mary Robinson's lecture on Ethics,Human Rights and Globalisation. She said: "A code of Ethics is needed for every professio is the spiritual approach which is the unifying principle for n. must come are on which the Great world religions have been constructed. Science and Religion together again to enable a Global Spiritual Transformation. is a vast subject but Buddhist Ethics seem to be relevant in every way to guide us, to make wise choices, direction both individually and collectively on our psychol physical journey towards positive personal development, the elimination of the conditions and causes of suffering, the cultivation of wisdom and Compassion and transformation and freedom from suffering. so now we return to matters that we can do something about. We can work on our minds which are really the cause of all our suffering. And, as Buddhists, we know that means cleansing the mind of all r, greed and delusion. The opposite of delusion is wisdom. And in order to gain wisdom and to be able to see things as they really are-rather than being left to our own imaginings- we must accomplish this by the practice of meditation.
By developing concentration and mindfulness, not only will you gain more wisdom and understanding, and so less but you will also be able to study much better and prepare for your future. wish you allthe for your life and for your loved ones also. So now will give you a few simple guidelines and then we can all sit in meditation together.