If a container of Calcium hypochlorite becomes wet in storage, the result can be an exothermic reaction. If combustible materials are present, a fire may occur. The chlorine in the compound with be released by contact with the water will than accelerate the combustion process. The-four-digit UN identification number for dry mixtures with not than less 39% available chlorine (8.8% oxygen) is 1748; hydrated with not less than 5.5% and not more than 10% water, the number is 28880; mixtures that are dry, with not less than 10% but not more than 39% available chlorine, are number as 2208, The NFPA 704 designation for calcium hypochlorite is health 3, flam mability 0, and reactivity 1. The white section at the bottom of the diamond has the prefix “oxy,” indicating an oxidizer. The primary uses are as a bleaching agent, a swimming pool disinfectant, a fungicaide, in potable-water purification, and as a deodorant