Fig.2. Tumor volumes and weights of human colon cancer (HCT116) cells implanted into BALB/c athymic nude mice provided with water or LEM as the sole drinking water. (a) Changes in the tumor volumes of HC116 cells implanted into nude mice. Means +SEM of the tumor volume (mm3) in these 2 groups are shown. Analysis of variance with repeated measures was used to analyze the statistical significance of the difference in tumor volumes between the 2 groups. (b) Tumor weights (means + SEMs) of each group on day 20. The tumor weights of the 2 groups administered water or the LEM solution showed no statistically significant difference by the Mann-Whitney U test.
Fig.3. Tumor volumes and weights of human breast cancer (MCF7) cells implanted into BALB/c athymic nude mice provided with water or LEM as the sole drinking water. (a) Changes in the tumor volumes of MCF7 cells implanted into nude mice. Means +SEM of the tumor volume (mm3) in these 2 groups are shown. Analysis of variance with repeated measures was used to analyze the statistical difference in tumor volumes between the 2 groups. (b) Tumor weights (means + SEMs) of each group on day 27. The tumor weights of the 2 groups of rats provided with water and LEM solution as the sole drinking water showed no statistically significant difference by the Mann-Whitney U test.