Fibre enrichment of white bread with 5.0 g of inulin powder
extracted from Jerusalem artichoke tubers (IRC-J) per 100 g of
wheat flour produced significant changes in dough viscoelastic
properties and bread physical properties, due to the diluting
effect, giving a bread of unacceptable quality. However,
addition of a lower concentration of IRC-J (2.5 g/100 g flour)
did not produce significant changes in dough rheology and
bread quality parameters, except colour and crumb grain
uniformity. Most importantly, no significant differences were
found in any of the sensory attributes evaluated, compared to
the Control sample. These findings indicate that wheat bread
may be enriched with IRC-J fibre up to 2.5 g/100 g flour, without
detrimental consequences on dough machinability and gassing
power, keeping the quality attributes of the conventional bread.
Similar results were found with the commercial chicory inulin