016 years autumn/winter collection model predecessor preorders!
SAMURAIJEANS (Samurai jeans) in 2016, special "Tokugawa four heavenly kings" series!
2016 limited [18 oz twisted gray organicspecialservich denim "Kenzan!
The warp is original uneven fifth yarn in dark indigo special hard, rough cotton to spinning strongly twisted, dyed, weft in original twisted ply yarn each colored with natural dyes and white twisted together is to be 18 oz organic denim. Join weft color table by using a twisted ply yarn, is a unique expression of the gray back. As weaving looms driving limits put in a weave, to stuck to the Atari to the limit in bilirdenim. Servicing uses a sword ear still the epitome of samuraioriginalserubitch denim.
2016 special "shitennō: Model II red demon" is. Material is 18 oz. safflower twisted gray organic cottonselbitch denim twist natural benibana dyeing yarn, gray. Back in denim by safflower red Heather, which has its own atmosphere. Use the Blade model series such as the familiar Crest handle jagadisrake bags. Patched flasher called Tokugawa four heavenly kings, Sengoku's elite "red featuring" the paragon of statesmanship also has 100 world should be Takeo "II red demon: Naomasa" is designed. Silhouette / basic specification is based on the popular classic model S510XX.
18 OZ benivanaorganiccottenspecialservich, iron gold Sunrise buttons, copper penny type rivet, exclusive leather patched flasher, sleek Crest, regular, straight, made in Japan.
No wash.