ABSTRACT. Fingerling channel catfish kta/uruspunciatus were exposed
to ithyophturius mutifuliis-infested fish until immature trophonts
developed. The fish were transferred to individual static fiberglass tanks
tilled with 600 L of pond water (total alkalinity and total hardness was
220 mgIL and 101 mg/L, respectively) and were treated with 0, 1. 1, 2.2, 3.3,
or 4.4 mg/L copper sulfate (CuSO4 5H2O) every other day for four treat-
ments to evaluate its elièctivcness to control mortality associated with
ichthyophlhiriasis. Water temperature was maintained at 18 ± 1°C. Fish
were observed for ten clays post-treatment and mortalities were recorded.
Results indicate that half of the recommended dose (1.1 mg/L CuSO4 ) is
needed to effectively control an occurrence of ichthyophthiriasis under the
conditions of this study. However, fish cultiirists should he aware that
effective CuSO4 treatment of ichthyophthiriasis on channel catfish raised in
ponds may be influenced by water chemistry characteristics and suspended
materials such as pond sediments.