Data were collected using a survey instrument
developed with ACOG guidelines for exercise, nutrition,
and weight management during pregnancy.
The instrument contained items measuring exercise
knowledge (11), nutrition knowledge (11), weight
management knowledge (3), exercise behavior (5),
nutrition behavior (3), and weight management
behavior (1) during pregnancy. The instrument was
reviewed by a panel of 7 experts with expertise in
the content (4) and survey construction (3). Each
knowledge item consisted of a statement that was
true or false according to ACOG guidelines. For example,
“Pregnant women should consume at least
400 micrograms of folic acid each day.” Participants
were asked to identify if they agreed or disagreed
with each statement. Each behavior item indicated
a behavior that should or should not be conducted
during pregnancy according to ACOG guidelines.
For example, “I exercise 3 or more days a week during
pregnancy.” Participants’ were asked to identify
whether or not each statement was representative of
their behavior during pregnancy.