My House is close to the most interesting area in which reservoir. There are large areas. The area will be. Many of the cattle herd is eating grass in the field, there are a variety of birds, and the whip-yo Yu on the sky or some types of birds on the island after the cow. Around the basin, surrounded by mountains. Water in the reservoir, there are wide areas where crystal-clear look as far as the eye, which makes sense why this refreshing to have a special. Although the visit is phipun abound. To get pure air and beautiful images. An appropriate time to visit. I think the phlophle interval. Konphra Sun is going to fall because of the time. The light of the Sun will be shining reflections. When I look at the water. Things I usually do is always jogging because of the cool climate is ideal for fitness and photography of nature around us. Finally, Come and visit the nature and hope that my friends will be happy as well.