Glycine max (2n= 40), which belongs to the Fabacea
(Leguminacae) family, is a signifiant crop in many
aspects. Soybean seeds are either flt or round-shaped.
The colour of the seed coat is of different tones of yellow
or brown. Soybean, which is reported to have been fist
imported into Turkey in the 1930s, was fist grown in
the Black Sea region. The production and consumption
of soybean (Glycine max), which is a summer crop,
has increased particularly in the United States and also
in many European countries [11]. Soybean has come
into prominence with respect to its use for nutritional
and health purposes, in the form of soybean oil, soy
protein, soy milk or soy flur [1]. Furthermore, soybean
has aromatic and industrial use and contains various
substances, which are used as raw material for several
pharmaceuticals. The signifiance of soybean has been
better understood in recent years, and its cultivation area
has increased greatly all over the world. Its seeds contain
18-24% fat and approximately 40% protein. Soybean is
known to be capable of the fiation of organic matter
and nitrogen in soil. Although it genetically originates
from China, recently, soybean (Glycine max) has
started to be cultivated extensively in America, Europe
and Turkey. Producers and breeders have reported that
soybean (Glycine max) improves soil structure by means