results obtained for the iterations performed; the last
iteration gave the minimum deviation between the experimental
and theoretical fractional retentions of surface
color, 5.68%, being the kinetic parameters obtained,
k100 1C ¼ 5.48104 s1 and Ea ¼ 89.37 kJ mol1. Steet
and Tong (1996) obtained an activation energy of
76.2 kJ mol1 and k100 1C ¼ 6.09104 s1 for green peas
color degradation measured in terms of the a value, also
using the fractional conversion concept but using a steady
state method; their results were similar to those obtained
in this work, using an unsteady state methodology (see
Table 3, iteration with a deviation of 8.65%). The
mentioned authors determined that the kinetic parameters
for loss of greenness fell between those of chlorophyll a and
b indicating that green color loss was a consequence of
losing both chlorophyll a and b; the activation energies
determined were, for the range 70–90 1C, 81.6 kJ mol1 for
chlorophyll a and 71.6 kJ mol1 for chlorophyll b; Lenz
and Lund (1977) obtained for the degradation of chlorophyll
in green peas puree in the range 115.55–137.77 1C,
an activation energy of 92 kJ mol1; kinetic parameters
results obtained for the iterations performed; the lastiteration gave the minimum deviation between the experimentaland theoretical fractional retentions of surfacecolor, 5.68%, being the kinetic parameters obtained,k100 1C ¼ 5.48104 s1 and Ea ¼ 89.37 kJ mol1. Steetand Tong (1996) obtained an activation energy of76.2 kJ mol1 and k100 1C ¼ 6.09104 s1 for green peascolor degradation measured in terms of the a value, alsousing the fractional conversion concept but using a steadystate method; their results were similar to those obtainedin this work, using an unsteady state methodology (seeTable 3, iteration with a deviation of 8.65%). Thementioned authors determined that the kinetic parametersfor loss of greenness fell between those of chlorophyll a andb indicating that green color loss was a consequence oflosing both chlorophyll a and b; the activation energiesdetermined were, for the range 70–90 1C, 81.6 kJ mol1 forchlorophyll a and 71.6 kJ mol1 for chlorophyll b; Lenzand Lund (1977) obtained for the degradation of chlorophyllin green peas puree in the range 115.55–137.77 1C,an activation energy of 92 kJ mol1; kinetic parameters
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