#706: Pretty like immortal, mountain in linfen Deity
The matter develops finally is a little truly unexpected, original Qing Shui also thinks that the Hai Family matter can only depend upon the military force solution, has not thought that finally comes out a Hai Family old ancestor, probably had been injured by Hai Zhen.
Hai Zhen, Hai Chuan et al. carried off, the old person behind also dozens people, Qing Shui estimated that these people should be the Hai Family core personnel, is Hai Family other branch veins.
The old person looked at this time to Qing Shui, eyeful appreciates, has a shocking general appearance, then looks to Hai Dongying, Hai Dongqing, Pipefish, Hai Shiya rank.
Side Hai Dongqing has several people, these are Hai Dongqing in the Clear Sky Territory Hai Family core personnel, came from Clear Sky Territory, is she has the direct blood relationship.
Hai Family in Clear Sky Territory, although is the respected family, but the personal connection is actually not prosperous, and has the decreasing progressively trend, is only the Hai Family person is outstanding, in addition nursing of Hai Family is also the master who the large sum of money looks, as well as receives the Hai Family obligation to be the person ready dead who Hai Family dies.
„Your matter winter hawk said with me, the ancestor who I and you passed away is a blood brother, you are his posterity, is my Hai Tian posterity, is the Hai Family posterity.” Old person temperate saying , the expression is light.
Hai Dongqing this moment one type does not know that anything feels to well up, static sees the old person, a few words had not said.
„My Hai Tian had unfilial descendants, was planned by them, unexpectedly makes my hundred years not go out, was almost several times killed, Hai Family is unfair to you, if your accident sentiment, I died have also been unfair to the brother.” The old person looks that Hai Dongqing said slowly.
„These matters and old ancestors have nothing to do, no matter your matter.” Hai Dongqing saying gently.
„In your 10 Millions comes actually like this to put in great inconvenience, is my old man is unfair to you.” Hai Tian sincere saying.
„Do not rebuke oneself, before old ancestor at the point of death, makes us do everything possible to return to here, we have also achieved, he saw, the wish should also achieve, the matter to this step, after here matter ended, we return to Clear Sky Territory.” Hai Dongqing thinks to say.
„Girl, your skeleton is elegant, in the future the achievement will be very certainly high, Hai Family declined, lacks successors, you are the descendants of sea and air, is my Hai Family descendants, the old man requested earnestly you to stay behind here, Hai Family all I gave you, I believe that you will lead Hai Family to move toward prosperously.” Hai Tian earnest saying.
„Old person, the Hai Family matter I do not think that has been doping, when you we have not come, is good?” Hai Dongqing thinks all that Hai Family makes cannot bear the heart be cool.
„Can't comply with one person's of dying request? I do not think that Hai Family ruins in my hand, calculates that the old man I asked you.” Hai Tian bitter and astringent saying.
„You?” Hai Dongqing astonished sees this old person.
„I this month, the girl, the old man have helped you remove the threat in the last month exactly as far as possible.” The old person thinks to say.
Hai Dongqing has sufficed actually, he yearned that now the average person such lives, every day the live relaxedness, she has thought actually one these time will come to the life end thoroughly, greets her is the abyss hell, because has had no way out, did not have including the leeway of choice.
„They will listen absolutely completely your, you came Central Territory, stays behind!”
„Stays behind!”
„They had been handled by the family discipline, remains!”
Old person's behind dozens people said toward Hai Dongqing et al. that this makes Hai Dongqing wonder very much, why will make itself take over control of Hai Family, is only because the skeleton is elegant?
When she sees the old person looks to the Qing Shui vision, she knew, no matter own future how, what now he settles on is Qing Shui, he thinks certainly that Qing Shui is own man
„Promises him!” Qing Shui smiles was saying.
Qing Shui considered that Hai Dongqing temper, in addition these years are at the top digits, her ability has not had been brought into play actually, oneself can help she becomes Ice Cold City exists formidable, like this she can be happy with her family member.
One hope that she is happy!
After Hai Dongqing hears the Qing Shui words, looked at Qing Shui, turns toward the old person to nod: „I make contribution, I cannot guarantee does best.”
„Good, I have believed you, walks, we return to Hai Family!”
The Hai Family matter has spread quickly then over Ice Cold City!
Tu Family!
„Father, heard that Hai Tian came out, we what to do?”
Tu Family hal