2.3. Information–attitude linkages
The literature contains contradictory results regarding
how information or information sources are linked
to attitudes. Napier et al. (1986) cite a number of works
in the area of information diffusion that point to the
fact that information is important in the adoption of
conservation technologies. Their own work indicates
that the frequency of use of either institutional or noninstitutional
information has a weak positive relationship
with environmental concern but does not have a
statistically discernible influence on the degree of environmental
concern. Subsequent work by the Ohio
State University group found that farmers had extensive
access to information about groundwater pollution,
that the extent of usage differed among sources,
and that farmers using information more heavily expressed
less concern about groundwater pollution. In
interpreting the results, however, the authors note that
the content of the information determines how it influences
attitudes (Napier and Brown, 1993). Still other
work in the area of farmer willingness to participate
in wetlands trading (Napier, McCarter, and McCarter,
1995) found that few farmers in their sample availed
themselves of such information.
2.3. Information–attitude linkagesThe literature contains contradictory results regardinghow information or information sources are linkedto attitudes. Napier et al. (1986) cite a number of worksin the area of information diffusion that point to thefact that information is important in the adoption ofconservation technologies. Their own work indicatesthat the frequency of use of either institutional or noninstitutionalinformation has a weak positive relationshipwith environmental concern but does not have astatistically discernible influence on the degree of environmentalconcern. Subsequent work by the OhioState University group found that farmers had extensiveaccess to information about groundwater pollution,that the extent of usage differed among sources,and that farmers using information more heavily expressedless concern about groundwater pollution. Ininterpreting the results, however, the authors note thatthe content of the information determines how it influencesattitudes (Napier and Brown, 1993). Still otherwork in the area of farmer willingness to participatein wetlands trading (Napier, McCarter, and McCarter,1995) found that few farmers in their sample availedthemselves of such information.
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