Fig. 6 shows the results of DMTA tests in double cantilever mode, over a temperature interval from 30 to 170 C, carried out on essential oil-containing bioplastics prepared by compressionmoulding at 90 C. As can be seen, biocide addition in concentrations of up to 10 wt.% does not produce any remarkable change in the thermo-mechanical response of the reference WG-based bioplastic. It just seems to very slightly extend the temperature interval over which the rubbery-like plateau appears. The thermosetting potential, characterised by a further increase in || and corroborated by an important decrease in the tand values at the highest temperatures, remains (Fig. 6a). However, the glycerol-free sample, with an essential oil content of 33 wt.%, is strikingly seen to modify the bioplastic rheological behaviour after compressionmoulding at 120 C. This system is characterised by an apparent plateau region, which extends over a temperature interval of about 40 C, and the absence of thermosetting potentials. Moreover, it exhibits a notable increase in |E| of more than one order of magnitude (comparable to LDPE). According to previous results by Zárate-Ramírez et al. (2011) an increase in the temperature of processing (i.e. from 90 to 130 C) yielded an increase in the DMA profile which was much less pronounced than that shown by the 33% OEO-containing bioplastic (moulded at 120 C) with reference to the 33% glycerol-containing sample (moulded at 90 C).