In soil-tool interaction, soil reaction and deformation mechanisms depend on the design and geometry of the tool, soil characteristics, soil-tool interrelations many operational parameters (Awad-Allah et al., 2009). The primary purpose of agricultural is to pull agri- cultural implements, especially those in the middle- to high-power range. A platform (Fig. 3) was developed in the same way as Grisso et al. (2004). The main purpose of the platform was to measure the tillage force. Identical force sensors were designed and manufactured. These two sensors were fixed to a frame, mounted onto the platform (Fig. 4). The platform was designed and con- structed at the College of Engineering, Nanjing Agricultural University. The platform was equipped with the necessary motion mechanisms and traction power unit. Control and measuring devices were later added and were matched to function with a program developed in Lab VIEW. consisted of the following main parts, as shown in Fig. 3. A two-wheel tractor-DT910, with a rated power of 11 kW with the load cell, an amplifier, and a data acquisition sys- tem. The sensors were pre-calibrated, and all of the errors mined to be less than 2.5%. The position, draught, and vertical force were determined the depth was controlled via screw depth control (Fig. 4). A complete data acquisition system was used for acquiring data from all of the transducers at a suitable sampling frequency (100 samples per second) over the period of each test. The measurements were performed using a standard national instruments data acquisition card (SNIDAC) and using the industrial standard software of LabVIEW After each test, the measured data were stored onto a computer disk for analysis.