Pyrolysis is the thermal decomposition of carbonaceous material with a absence of oxygen. It produces a char, gas and liquid product that is rich in oxygenated hydrocarbons. Dry EFB is fed
to the fluidized pyrolysis reactor operated at 500 C and 1 atm, and then is rapidly cooled to stop the reaction for less than two seconds. The model of the pyrolysis reactor includes two areas: pyrolysis and combustion. These are heat-connected by the sand flow. The sand flow is a closed loop as depicted in Fig. 1 with the dashed line. Sand is heated up in the combustor, transported to the pyrolysis reactor to transfer heat, and recycled to the combustor after being separated from the gas. The flow rate of sand is equal to 20 times that of dry biomass. The combustion of both gases recycled from the quencher and char is modeled as the stoichiometric reactions. Air enters in from the bottom of the combustor to supply oxygen. 100% of the gases and 97% of char are assumed to be combusted. If the heat generated by gas and char combustion exceeds the amount required for pyrolysis, the excess heat is considered as a by-product due to potential applications to generate electricity or hot water. In the 1 kton-dry EFB/yr plant, the excess heat rate is 156 kW.