Apples and fish during pregnancy may reduce the incidence of asthma in children. Vitamin E during pregnancy may prevent asthma in children and plant flavonoids also protect against asthma. More fruit means less asthma in adults, fruits and vegetables reduce the risk of asthma in adults.
Increased consumption of apple juice or bananas may protect kids from asthma, it says a new study from England, which contributes to the growing importance of science of the body.
The research was led by Peter Burnley from the National Heart Group & Lung Institute (National Heart Group & Lung Institute) to "Imperial College" in which it spent on child population. The study comprised 2640 children aged between 5 and 10 and found that regular consumption of apple juice was associated with a 47% reduction in breathing difficulties.
"We did not find a correlation between eating fresh apples and asthma symptoms in this population, but we found some evidence to suggest that higher consumption of apple juice and a banana can help prevent respiratory difficulty in children," the authors write in the journal "European Respiratory ".
According to the European Society of Allergy (European Federation of Allergy) and the Association of patients suffering from respiratory-EFA, (Airway Diseases Patients Association), over 30 million Europeans suffer from asthma, which cost Europe € 17.7 billion each year. Due to reduction in productivity, the cost is estimated at around 9.8 billion €.
This condition is increasing in the western world and is usually long term condition in England today.
According to the American Lung Association (American Lung Association), nearly 20 million Americans suffer from asthma. This situation is responsible for more than 14 million lost days at school, while the annual costs were about $ 16.1 billion.
Burney and colleagues used a questionnaire to calculate the potential benefits of eating fruit to reduce respiratory problems in children. Only one banana a day is associated with a 34% reduction in breathing difficulties, compared to eating bananas less than once a month.
One cup of apple juice a day or more is associated with a 47% reduction in the current difficulty in breathing, the authors say.
Consumption of apple juice, other fruits and orange juice, however, was not associated with symptoms of asthma, the authors add.
Commenting independently on the research, Dr Mike Thomas, a researcher with the British charity institution for asthma in England (British charity Asthma UK), which is located in the university, "University of Aberdeen, was quoted by BBC as saying that the study was additional evidence the protective effect of apples.
"There is some evidence that a healthy diet rich in anti-oxidant vitamins and good for asthma," he says.
"This is another reason why we should encourage a healthy child."
The study appeared in support of a growing part of the science associated with the intake of antioxidants, especially vitamin C and E in the case of asthma, whose occurrence is increasing in the western world and often long-term condition in England today.