The special issue attracted a large number of high-quality
submissions from researchers within marketing proper, as
well as related disciplines, including the neurosciences, economics,
psychology, communications, and management
information systems. The ten articles included in this issue
cover a diverse set of topics and methods. With the exception
of the first article, which presents an overarching perspective
on consumer neuroscience (Plassmann et al. 2015),
this issue comprises original empirical research making use
of neuroscientific tools. Specifically, the authors contribute
to marketing theory, research, and practice by (1) generating
insights about implicit processes and mechanisms (Cascio
et al. 2015; Cerf et al. 2015; Chen, Nelson, and Hsu 2015;
Karmarkar, Shiv, and Knutson 2015; Pozharliev et al.
2015), (2) uncovering individual heterogeneity that has consequences
for preferences and choice (Plassmann and
Weber 2015), and (3) offering the potential to substantially
improve predictions of choice at both the individual