Half afternoon time, Qing Shui and Tantai Xuan and Yu Ruyan leave, the woman stays here, Qing Shui does not know that the woman called anything, but Qing Shui can know, was this woman certainly went to another three territory, this has the woman of story.
„We go to Great Yu Dynasty to play for several days.” Qing Shui said with a smile.
Perhaps two females are stuffy here want to exit to transfer the extension, therefore nods, but the quick two females have blushed, because has thought very much of the scene of previous meeting easily.
Qing Shui hey smiling, then direct both hands holds on one, displays Kyushu Shift!
These time arrived at Flame City instantaneously, moreover is Qing Shui manor courtyard, arrived here two females not naturally, after all now the weather late, arrived here Tantai Xuan to look at these two.
„I stroll to meet the night market!” Tantai Xuan said toward Qing Shui and Yu Ruyan.
„We go together!” Qing Shui looks that Yu Ruyan then with a smile said.
„, You also go, you Tantai Xuan was anxious in the evening”, she does not want to experience such picture again, her heart was chaotic in front of Qing Shui, is unable to be tranquil, this is not offended, changes into anyone unable to be tranquil, after is not the stranger, even if stranger also very unforgettable.
„This, truly is an issue, I estimated that cannot each time be this, first should be the coincidence twice, after all I and Ruyan were inferior, twice by you were seen said again you also saw, we did not fear what you looked at” Qing Shui to say was the truth, was looked in any case, said again after not being able to reach an agreement, will not have that situation again, first was very twice possible is a coincidence, but these words said that was a little strange.
„Qing Shui, talked nonsense anything.” Yu Ruyan spoke, is drawing Tantai Xuan: „We window-shop, tonight our two rest.”
„Cannot not say good!” Yu Ruyan saw that Qing Shui wants to open mouth, immediately breaks.
Closing mouth that Qing Shui has to be tactful, but puts out two Wooden Puppet, person of: „This gives you!”
Then Qing Shui told them anything to use, to teach the method that they quenchinged, these were the matters that saw with own eyes, looked that one said one can learn.
Drops Wooden Puppet after blood to be very fine, although is not bright colored, but a color is also very attractive, that purest color, lifelike looks like specially good.
„This puppet really good!” Tantai Xuan happy saying.
„Some here also ornaments, have a look to like, can be placed in the room.” Qing Shui puts out over a hundred Wooden Puppet that buys, these are the bright sharp puppets.
Tantai Xuan and a Yu Ruyan person has selected several, then three talented people walk out of the door, now outside was brilliantly illuminated, here generally speaking is familiar.
After all here lived some time, the custom of Qing Shui is the street that to walk has not passed through as far as possible, his ambition was traveled across entire Kyushu Continent by own trail, in Kyushu Continent each inch apprentice by own trail seal, what a pity now he is known the entire desire can only think.
They go shopping in the night market are one mood, everyone is in the different level surface, likes having a look at the life of same level surface as well as different level surface, Qing Shui now is this, periphery he looks at people various of all forms.
„Mother, which I want!” The immature sound resounds together.
Qing Shui saw that a young woman hugged a adorable girl, the woman is not saying was attractive, was very simple, but on the face has a maternal love color.
The little girl liangsan-year-old appearance, points at the place that is selling to bake to say.
„Greedy girl, eats the belly pain again, last is time good!” The women smiled faintly were saying.
Qing Shui thinks that own child, the human has poorly rich, the status also has the difference, but the happiness is the same, the personality is also same, likes being also same, these do not divide the rank.
Along with the stream of people, Qing Shui looks that the different people have the different life styles, but the common grounds, are diligently are turning toward the above stair to walk, this is people strive upward.
Qing Shui is thinking the road that take since childhood, has a look at the surroundings again, suddenly has deep feelings, two females look that Qing Shui is ignorant, even looks that roadside somebody is in a daze, but they have not interrupted the Qing Shui mentality.
Suddenly the front tumult, then saw the person's shadow together staggers toward here Ben to come, happen to hits on ignorant Qing Shui, Qing Shui is all right, but this person is actually must be hit, but Qing Shui put out a hand to hold the skill of opposite party at this time. ” Shunt, the shunt, do not hinder our week little to make an arrest! ”
Chaotic has towering sound to resound together.