I am interested in the results from external schools but do not have time to review all reports one at a time and have difficulty keeping them separate. I also know that we have MANY more schools with which we have an MOU than I see reports for. By my calculation, we must have at least 12 MOU out in the CM, Hang Dong, northern Thailand areas alone.
I am asking for a new summary report to be prepared by Khru A (Jane) in Maetaeng for the schools in the north and Khru Yoko for schools in the south.
I have drafted this form but it may need further edits or interpretations. In general it needs abbreviations to keep it on one form. I know it could be done in Excel but I do not like Excel spreadsheets. Use my font (Arial 10 point) and add as many lines as needed to the form.
A and Yoko: First list all schools with which we have a current MOU in your areas that are supposed to be using our curricula and making reports (you should use Thai letters for naming schools). Identify their general locations in that column by abbreviations. Then try to identify what classes within that school are using what materials. Then identify the date of their most recent report FOR THAT CLASS.
Then try to identify the MOST ADVANCED lessons that >80% of their students have passed in each subject area. For instance, if they are doing Thai Consonant Set 3, one assumes that they have passed TCS 1 and TCS 2 already (unfortunately some move on too fast anyway). You do NOT then list TCS 1 and TCS 2 as passed on the form. You could list something like TCS 3 80%.
I am not concerned about recording school failures or incomplete work on spelling tests or handwriting of Thai or English letters.
If they report that they are just starting on a skill but have not yet passed any major milestones on that skill make the cell as a gray background.
I would like to see the first reports soon to see whether the report form requires modification or interpretation but then only once a month about the tenth day of the month. However, you can share them among yourselves as often as you feel is needed.
You can also make notes for each school under each subject such as "moving too fast" or "poor results on A to D" in each cell but need to keep the notes short on this form. The length of the overall form can be several pages but the width is fixed to the width of my columns.
The reports of A and Yoko need to be on separate forms.
We may need to meet periodically to discuss results though and why schools are having problems on "simple" things like the English alphabet letters A to D or why they are not making good progress. (or not making reports on time).
Do NOT then send me reports on individual schools but you should keep a file of printed reports for each school that make reports.
There is an additional issue that some schools cannot do PowerPoint or Flash videos. Please find out for ALL schools that you are working with how many of these schools there are. It is possible to prepare the lessons in DVD format but that is a lot of extra work.