covers an area of 0.25 km2 and it is composed of unconsolidated sediments
underlain by Lower Carbonifereous Limestone (Hitzman,
1992). A section of the Geashill Esker runs along the site's northern
margin in a west–southwest to east–northeast direction (Pellicer,
2010). It reaches a maximum height of 3–4 m relative to the surrounding
landscape and is between 20 and 50 m wide. The esker is
bounded to the north by a low lying landscape dominated by peat deposits
extending northwards for a few kilometres and to the south by
an east northeast–west southwest flat stretch of poorly-drained low
ground dominated by silts and clays and blanketed by a thin coating
of peat. This low lying stretch is bounded to the south by a well
drained, flat-topped elongated fan running east–west for approximately
2 km, reaching a maximum height of 10 m above the surrounding
landscape and encompassing widths of 200–450 m. A
maximum height of 72 m OD is reached by this feature within the
site. The feature is bounded to the south by poorly drained low
ground composed of diamicton. The main geomorphological features
and the dominant sediment types recorded in the study area are illustrated