Campaign grew from a week-long event in 2006 to a
month-long event in 2007 and 2008 and then a threemonth
event in 2009. In the midst of expanding the
campaign, the Singapore Government managed to
introduce creative means each year to spread OSH
messages. For example, in 2007 the campaign’s
cornerstone was a safety-pledge drive. More than 50,000
people from all walks of life pledged to do their part
to improve OSH conditions. This broke Singapore’
s book of records for the largest number of pledges
collected, and the compilation of the pledges formed
the largest book ever produced in Singapore. In 2008,
the Government rolled out a 40-foot container mobile
exhibition to deliver OSH awareness to workplaces and
into housing estates. Over the years, the Government
has also increased the visibility of its publicity drive by
using advertisements at bus stops, mobile advertisements
on buses and radio to spread OSH messages.