(1) Twins:will you marry us? Diane and Darlene nettemeier are sisters.They are identical twins. They look the same. Diane and Darlene lived together in Missouri, in the U.S They also worked together. Last mouth,they got married together,too! Last year, Diane and Darlene went to a twins meeting in Ohio. Many twins went there to meet other twins. Twins were there from all over the U.S. The sisters met mark and Craig sanders there. Mark and Craig are brothers. They are also Identical twins. The brothers and the sisters became good friends. In fact, Mark fell in love with Darlene, and Craig fell in love with Diane . But they lived in different states. Mark and Craig lived in Texas. The brothers called the sisters often. They sent them e-mail often, too. But they all missed each other a lot. Mark and Craig had an Internet Web site. One day,they asked Darlene and Diane to go to the Web site. It said, "Diane, will you marry me? Love, Craig," and " Darlene , will you marry me? Love,mark". Both sisters said, "yes!" Today, the two couples are married. They live in Texas. Diane and Darlene do not live together, but their houses are next door to each other. Their houses are identical, too!