Somalia remains a country afflicted by instability, conflict, and
humanitarian crisis, and this article is the first, to our knowledge,
to describe national-level data on iodine status. The overall
amount of iodine intake was highest in the NEZ, but it exceeded
WHO criteria for adequate intakes for both women and SAC in
all 3 zones of Somalia (11). The UIC for pregnant women was
also above requirements. The finding of high iodine intake was
interesting and unexpected, especially given the low exposure to
fish, seafood, iodized salt, or other fortified foods. Our data
suggest that the iodine content of surface and groundwater
sources is likely to be a major determinant of dietary iodine
intake at the national level, and spatial analysis allowed for the
identification of geographic areas with particularly high intakes.
DiscussionSomalia remains a country afflicted by instability, conflict, andhumanitarian crisis, and this article is the first, to our knowledge,to describe national-level data on iodine status. The overallamount of iodine intake was highest in the NEZ, but it exceededWHO criteria for adequate intakes for both women and SAC inall 3 zones of Somalia (11). The UIC for pregnant women wasalso above requirements. The finding of high iodine intake wasinteresting and unexpected, especially given the low exposure tofish, seafood, iodized salt, or other fortified foods. Our datasuggest that the iodine content of surface and groundwatersources is likely to be a major determinant of dietary iodineintake at the national level, and spatial analysis allowed for theidentification of geographic areas with particularly high intakes.
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