The purpose of this study is to specify the effect of the use of concept cartoons in teaching science and technology in the First Grade of Elementary Education attitudes of elementary students towards the science and technology course. Pre-test and post- test, and a quasi-experimental design without control group were utilized in study. The research was conducted with the fourth and fifth graders in the AytenŞabanDiri and UlubatlıHasan elementary schools (76 students) located in the Ankara province in spring term of the 2009–2010 academic year. study,has15-item 5 point likert “Attitude Scale for Science” prepared by Geban et al., (1994) was used as pre-test and post-test. At the end of the study a significant difference was determined in favor of post-test scores between pre-test and post-test scores of the attitude of elementary education students towards the science course.