It's told in the third-person, and only follows Della. We don't see what Jim is doing during the story, and once he does show up, he remains closed to us: we don't know what his reaction to Della's hair is any more than Della does.
It's told in the third-person, and only follows Della. We don't see what Jim is doing during the story, and once he does show up, he remains closed to us: we don't know what his reaction to Della's hair is any more than Della does.
มันบอกในสามคนและมีเพียง Della ดังนี้ เราไม่เห็นสิ่งที่จิมจะทำในระหว่างเรื่องและเมื่อเขาไม่แสดงขึ้นมาเขายังคงปิดให้เรา: เราไม่ทราบว่าปฏิกิริยาของเขากับผม Della เป็นอะไรมากไปกว่า Della ไม่