Runge et al. reviewed the determinants of musculoskeletal frailty and the risk of falls individuals with older age. They suggest five musculoskeletal tests to be relevant determinants of the risk of a fall with self-selected gait velocity being the single best parameter [13]. However, none of these tests can be safely used for self-assessment or at home. A history of falls as well as gait or balance disabilities seem to be strong and reliable predictors of future falls. Simple screening questions might therefore perform well enough in predicting falls, and little or no additional value may be gained by performing a complex screening test [10,12,14]. In conclusion, no further assessment is required if patients negate more than one noninjurious fall and do not report any difficulties with walking or balance [9,12]. Assessment tools for gait and balance are straightforward, self-contained, fast to apply and can apparently be used to predict the risk of falling [17]. However, there is a lack of evidence that any of the available screening tests is clearly useful for identifying fallers [10]. Evaluation of these tests has mostly been performed in single studies or in multiple but diverse and incomparable studies in terms of sample size or study design