varieties. There are numerous formulations of hematoxylin available. Individual preference of the pathologist or diagnostician must be a primary consideration. The active ingredient in hematoxylin solution is hematein complexed with a metal ion-eg,aluminum, iron,tungsten. Aluminum is the most commonly used. If aluminum is used,the hematoxylin solution will stain blue; if iron is used hematoxylin will stain black or blue-black. The ratio of metal to hematein may also influence the color.
Hematein is formed by oxidizing hematoxylin. Oxidizing agents used are air, sodiumiodate, mercuric oxide, and potassium permanganate. Hematoxylin formulae that use mercuric acid as an oxidizer warrant spacial disposal considerations because of the mercury. Over-oxidation will cause poor staining and can occur during the initial manufacturing or with aging of the hematoxylin.
the mode of hematoxylin staining can be progressive or regressive. Regressive staining overstains the tissue and then decolorizes the tissue with an acid solution. Progressive staining stain to desired intensity without initially overstaianing.
Progressive hematoxylins may be used in a regressive method. See hematoxylin Differentiator discussion.
Progressive Hematoxylins : Mayer's
Regressive Hematoxylins : Delafield's