The average age of participants with diabetes was 50 (SD = 10.77) years, and for family
members/significant others it was 41 years (SD = 13.12). The majority of participants were
female (75.0%). Mean hemoglobin A1C for participants with diabetes was 8.11% (SD = 0.44)
and for family members/significant others, 5.75% (SD = 0.07). More than half of the participants
with type 2 diabetes reported taking oral hypoglycemic agents (68.8%), and 21.9% used insulin
injections. Most participants were immigrants from Mexico (77.8%). The average length of time
in the United States was 15.1 years (SD = 11.06).
Barriers to diabetes self-management identified by Hispanics with diabetes were categorized in 3
major themes: suffering from diabetes, difficulties in managing the disease, and lack of
resources/support. Two key themes emerged pertaining to family members/significant others: we
can provide support and we lack knowledge. Samples of participant responses are provided for
each theme.