2.). Cufture medium and cultivation method for fungal lipid production
The flask culture medium contained (gl-') sugarcane molasses,
79; peptone bacteriological (Oxoid). 4 and chloramphenicol
0.25. Sugarcane malasses was obtained from Sugar Institute
Technology, Assiut University, Assiut and kept in refrigerator until used. Some physical and chemical characteristics of sugarcane molasses were described previously [4|. The initial pH of the culture medium was adjusted to 7. After sterilization the medium was inoculated with a spare suspension [1 x 10 spares ml ) of oleaginous
fungus Cunmnghameila echinulata [5]. Flask cultures of C. prhinulata were carried out in 250-m) Erlenmeyer flasks containing 100 ml of sterilized medium on a rotary shaker [Environ 3597-1, Labline
Instruments. USA] at 120 rpm at 30 °C for 15days. After 15days mycelial mats were harvested and filtered by filter paper
(Whatman No. 1]. Morphological characteristics of C. echinulata were studied using light and electron microscope techniques.