This chapter presented the results of the data analyses undertaken to investigate the
validity and reliability of the NMP-Q The results of the pilot study conducted with 86
undergraduate students provided evidence for the internal consistency of all 20 items in the
questionnaire (Cronbach’s alpha = .918). Because of the small size of the sample in the pilot
study, the exploratory factor analysis did not produce a reasonable factor structure. After the
pilot study, all the 20 items in the questionnaire were retained and administered to a large
sample of 301 undergraduate students in the main study. The data collected from the main
study were subjected to item analysis, exploratory factor analysis, reliability analysis, and
correlation analysis. First, item analysis of the main study showed that the items had
desirable mean values, not too near to the extreme values of the rating scale (1 and 7).
Second, for exploratory factor analysis, a principal component analysis with varimax rotation
was conducted on the 20 items in the questionnaire. Four factors explaining 69.6% of
variance were extracted. With a cutoff value of .45, all the items loaded on only a single
factor, indicating that the factor structure was a simple structure. Third, the reliability
analysis of the items revealed that all the items correlated well with each other, and that no
item needed to be deleted from the questionnaire so that the internal consistency of the
questionnaire would increase. The overall internal consistency of the questionnaire was very
good (Cronbach’s alpha = .945). Last, the correlation analysis demonstrated that the scores
on the NMP-Q and the Mobile Phone Involvement Questionnaire were strongly correlated,
which indicated that two questionnaires measured similar constructs and ensured the
construct validity of the NMP-Q