Dear All,
I would like to inform you about the latest positive development concerning the intended acquisition of
TNT by FedEx.
We are very pleased to report that the European Commission has approved the planned acquisition
without conditions. After a thorough investigation, the Commission has concluded that the deal does
not raise any competition concerns. You can view the joint statement by TNT and FedEx here:
The Commission’s approval clears the way for FedEx and TNT to move forward with the integration
plan. We believe that combining TNT and FedEx will create many benefits for customers of both
companies. You will have access to a considerably enhanced, integrated global network, combining
TNT’s strong European road platform and FedEx’s strength in other regions globally, including North
America and Asia.
While the Commission’s decision is a key milestone in the acquisition process, we are still awaiting
approval from other jurisdictions. We continue to work constructively with the remaining regulatory
authorities and are on track to close the acquisition in the first half of 2016.
For now, and until the close of the transaction, it will be business as usual. We will continue to deliver
the service you know and expect.
We will update you as other significant milestones are achieved and decisions are made. In the
meantime, feel free to reach out to me for any question you may have.
Thank you for your continued support and entrusting us with your business.
Jesper Eriksson
Global Strategic Account Manager